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Fig. 5 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 5

From: Epigenome-wide methylation analysis of colorectal carcinoma, adenoma and normal tissue reveals novel biomarkers addressing unmet clinical needs

Fig. 5

Circular genome plot summarizing genome-wide differential methylation between colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissue. The outermost track displays DMBs, while the middle track displays DMRs. The innermost track shows DMPs overlapping the displayed DMBs and DMRs, and having a |Δβ|≥ 0.3. CRC-related genes in the COSMIC database and those found in literature, that overlap the mentioned DMBs and DMRs are annotated on the periphery. The height of the bars for DMBs and DMRs represents the number of CpGs in those regions and the vertical position of DMPs represents their |Δβ| in carcinomas. DMBs differentially methylated block, DMRs differentially methylated regions, DMPs differentially methylated probes, hyper hypermethylated, hypo hypomethylated

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