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Fig. 3 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 3

From: Nucleosome reorganisation in breast cancer tissues

Fig. 3

Interplay between nucleosome stability in BRC, DNA fragment sizes, GC content and DNA methylation. A The distribution of sizes of common nucleosomes that did not shift in cancer (grey) is skewed towards larger sizes in comparison with shifted nucleosomes whose coordinates changed > 20% in cancer (red). B Aggregate DNA methylation profile based on MCF-7 cells plotted around common and shifted nucleosomes determined in this study. C GC content of DNA fragments protected from digestion in normal (black) and cancer breast tissues (red) and cfDNA from the same patient cohort (blue). D DNA methylation based on MCF-7 cells averaged across DNA fragments of different sizes protected from MNase digestion from panel C.

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