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Fig. 6 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 6

From: Pancreatic cancer acquires resistance to MAPK pathway inhibition by clonal expansion and adaptive DNA hypermethylation

Fig. 6

Distinct DMRs revert after MEKi withdrawal A Representative Integrative Genomics Viewer snapshot of reverting DMR_1716 in the parental (dark blue), resistant (red), P5 (light blue) and P12 (blue) cell states of cell lines #3 and #9 (upper row and lower row, respectively). 13 of 16 CpGs are shown. B Mean methylation levels of the reverting DMRs and their 2 kb up- and downstream regions of cell lines #3 and #9 in the parental, resistant, P5 and P12 cells (S: Start DMR; E: End DMR). C Methylation pattern of 217 reverting DMRs divided into hypo- (blue) and hypermethylated (red) regions. D Methylation pattern of DMR_929 in four independent cell lines compared to the WGBS samples based on the average methylation b-value in the region. EH Comparison of reverting and non-reverting DMRs based on methylation change in resistant cells (E), sequence conservation in human (F) and their relative location to CpG islands (G) or genes (H)

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