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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the PlaNS participants

From: Methylation of serotonin regulating genes in cord blood cells: association with maternal metabolic parameters and correlation with methylation in peripheral blood cells during childhood and adolescence



Maternal age at childbirth, years

34.0 [19.7–44.8]

Parity: primipara/multipara, N (%)

72 (35.5)/131 (64.5)

Pre-gestational BMI, kg/m2

23.4 [16.7–49.0]

Gestational weight gain, kg

13 [− 10–32]

Glucose tolerance status: NGT/GDM, N (%)

104 (51.2)/99 (48.8)

Tobacco use in pregnancy: no/yes, N (%) a

135 (70.3)/57 (29.7)

Gestational age at birth, weeks

39.1 [37.0–41.6]

Newborn sex: female/male, N (%)

98 (48.3)/105 (51.7)

Newborn birth weight, g

3450 [2440–5030]

Newborn ponderal index, g/cm3

2.81 [2.28–3.42]

  1. Categorical data are reported as number of subjects (N) and percentage (%). Continuous data are reported as median [range]. BMI, body mass index; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; NGT, normal glucose tolerance
  2. a Women who reported never having smoked or having quit smoking at least 6 months before pregnancy were categorized as non-smokers, while women who reported having smoked throughout pregnancy or having quit smoking during pregnancy were categorized as smokers; unclear cases (N = 11) were treated as missing data