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Fig. 4 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 4

From: Epigenetics of the far northern Yakutian population

Fig. 4

Region-specific age acceleration in Central and Yakutia regions for different epigenetic ages: Hannum, Horvath, PhenoAge, GrimAge, PCHorvath1, PCHorvath2, PCHannum, PCPhenoAge, PCGrimAge. A Scatter plots demonstrate dependence between chronological age and epigenetic ages for Central (yellow) and Yakutia (gray). The black dotted line y = x in each scatter plot corresponds to the equality of the plotted ages; the yellow bold line represents the regression plotted on samples from the Central region. Pearson correlation coefficients between the corresponding epigenetic age and chronological age are given for Central (yellow) and Yakutia (gray). B Violin plots show region-specific age acceleration for different epigenetic ages. Region-specific age acceleration values were determined as residuals from a linear regression model constructed on samples from the Central region group (yellow bold lines in Fig. 4A). Mann–Whitney U test was applied to analyze the statistically significant difference in epigenetic age acceleration between groups. The obtained p values were FDR-corrected. C DunedinPACE values with the p values of Mann–Whitney U test. D Bar plots illustrate p values of Mann–Whitney U test analyzing the statistically significant difference in epigenetic age acceleration between regions in different age groups (under 40 years, 40–60 years, 60–80 years, over 80 years). The red dotted line corresponds to the significance level of p value = 0.05

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