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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Profound DNA methylomic differences between single- and multi-fraction alpha irradiations of lung fibroblasts

Fig. 2

Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in lung fibroblasts following irradiation to multi-fraction (MF) doses of α-particles. A Total number of DMRs identified using the Bioconductor MEDIPS package. B UpSet plot showing the number of the identified DMRs in the fibroblasts across the different MF α-irradiation doses. C Bar chart displaying the number of hypo and hyperDMRs across all chromosomes. D Percentages of the genomic regions that were found to be differentially enriched in each irradiation group. E Bar chart displaying the number of hypo and hyperDMRs identified in each genomic region. Each dose of ionizing radiation was equally distributed every 24 h over 14 consecutive days. Each irradiation group includes four biological replicates per dose, each independently irradiated and assessed. Abbreviations: hypoDMRs, hypomethylated DMRs; hyperDMRs, hypermethylated DMRs; TSS, transcription start site; TTS, transcription termination site; 3’ UTR, 3’ untranslated region; and 5’ UTR, 5’ untranslated region

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