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Fig. 1 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 1

From: Cross-platform comparisons for targeted bisulfite sequencing of MGISEQ-2000 and NovaSeq6000

Fig. 1

MGISEQ-2000 exhibiting good performance on targeted bisulfite sequencing. A The experimental design for testing the sequencing quality of MGISEQ-2000 with different control library contents on targeted bisulfite sequencing. B The yielding data output of MGISEQ-2000 with different WGS library contents. Filled colors represented the library types. The dashed lines represented the proposed output interval. C The high-quality sequence ratios of methylation library. The sequence of Phred quality score > 30 was defined as the high-quality sequence. The statistical analysis was performed by “Wilcox. test” and adjusted by “holm”. D The sequencing error rate of BS data generated with different WGS library contents. The x-axis represented the different WGS library contents, the y-axis represented the sequencing error rate of BS data, and the error bars depicted the sequencing error ± 95% CI. A base was defined as sequencing error base when the Phred score of the base > 30 and the base in Reads1 was not correctly complementary with Reads2. E High correlation of average methylation fractions among replicates. The filled colors represented the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the annotation colors represented the dilution ratios and the percentages of the balance library. The data in a little rectangle represented the same library that was sequenced with different WGS contents, the data in a large rectangle represented the libraries of the same dilution ratio. F PCA of average methylation fractions of simulated samples. Colors represented the dilution ratios and shapes represented the percentage of the balance library. G The estimated ratios were highly consistent with the expected values. Cross bars depicted the estimated ratio ± 95% CI

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