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Fig. 3 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 3

From: Global effects of identity and aging on the human sperm methylome

Fig. 3

Age effects in estimated early- and late-replicating regions of the genome. A Distribution of age versus methylation correlation in 100 kb bins inside (blue) and outside (red) of PMDs. Each bar’s height is the mean from 7 PMD-containing methylomes, indicated separately as dots. B Number of bins with significant positive (blue) and negative (red) correlations between age and methylation in two groups: bins that overlap a PMD in all (left) versus none (right) of the methylomes tested. C Fractions of genes overlapping a PMD in all or none of the methylomes, separated by genes losing methylation with age in human sperm (red), genes gaining (blue) and the expectation based on all genes (gray). Bar groups: the mean gene overlap with PMDs across all samples (left), genes overlapping regions that are always PMDs (middle) and genes overlapping regions that are never PMDs (right)

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