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Fig. 1 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 1

From: Prenatal delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure is associated with changes in rhesus macaque DNA methylation enriched for autism genes

Fig. 1

Prenatal THC is associated with differential methylation at individual CpGs in each tissue tested. Volcano plots for each tissue show CpG-specific associations with THC exposure using limma with a factorial design of group and tissue, accounting for within-subject correlation. Each plot depicts the logFC for THC versus CON on the x-axis, − log10(p values) on the y-axis. Percentages indicate relative proportions of nominally significant hypomethylated (blue) and hypermethylated (red) CpGs. The dotted blue line indicates nominal p < 0.05, and the dotted red line indicates CpGs reaching significance after adjusting for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini and Hochberg method to control false discovery rate (FDR)

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