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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Capturing sex-specific and hypofertility-linked effects of assisted reproductive technologies on the cord blood DNA methylome

Fig. 2

Common effects of ART/hypofertility in males and females. A Venn diagram showing sites commonly affected by ART using all, only male and only female samples. Methylation differences between the ART and control groups for DMCs common between males and females are shown. DMCs demonstrating methylation changes in the same or opposite direction for both sexes are indicated in grey and purple, respectively. DNA methylation values at 92 DMCs are similar between male and female infant cord blood. Methylation difference values were deemed to be similar if they were within ± 5% (this range is shaded in grey). B ART-induced methylation changes at selected genes commonly affected by ART in males and females. Each dot represents a CpG that is significantly differentially methylated in both sexes, with the mean value for all samples within the group indicated. The thick horizontal line represents the mean of all CpGs shown

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