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Fig. 3 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 3

From: DNA methylation abnormalities induced by advanced maternal age in villi prime a high-risk state for spontaneous abortion

Fig. 3

AMA-related changes in the transcriptome of CVSs. A Two-dimensional scatter plot of PCA shows the distribution of all samples (sample size: n = 20); the first two principal components of PCA based on global gene expression were used. B Volcano plot shows AMA-related DEGs identified between the AMA and YMA groups, with upregulated DEGs marked as red spots and downregulated DEGs marked as blue spots. C Bubble chart shows the representative KEGG pathways for AMA-related DEGs. The P value was determined using a hypergeometric test. D Bubble chart showed the representative biological process GO terms enriched for AMA-related DEGs. The P value was determined using a hypergeometric test. E Venn diagram presents the relationship between AMA-related DEGs and genes recorded in either the longevity database or the Aging Atlas database. Overlapping genes near AMA-related DMRs are shown in the frame. Upregulated DEGs are marked in red, while downregulated DEGs are marked in blue. The bolded gene symbol refers to overlapped genes existing in both longevity database and Aging Atlas database. F Venn diagram shows the relationship between AMA-related DEGs and SASP genes. G Box and dot plot (left) shows the gene expression level of GADD45B in the AMA (red) and YMA (blue) groups; the P value between the two groups was determined using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Scatter diagram (right) shows the gene expression level of GADD45B with maternal age. The fitted linear regression line is shown in blue. H Column diagram (left) displays the relative gene expression level of GADD45B determined by qRT-PCR in the AMA (orange) and YMA (pink) groups. Each dot represents the gene expression level of a detected sample. Error bars represent the standard deviation. Scatter diagram (right) shows the relative gene expression level of GADD45B with maternal age. The fitted linear regression line is shown in blue. The correlation coefficient and P value between maternal age and GADD45B expression level in G and H were both calculated using Spearman correlation tests

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