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Table 2 Number of significantly hyper- and hypo-methylated CpGs at the cutoff FDR < 0.05 and |Δ Beta|> 0.2

From: Comparative analysis of the DNA methylation landscape in CD4, CD8, and B memory lineages

|ΔBeta|> 0.2, FDR < 0.05

Hypermethylated N (%)*

Hypomethylated N (%)#

Bnv versus Bmem

7997 (8.59)

85,078 (91.41)

CD4nv versus CD4cm

6906 (11.92)

51,010 (88.08)

CD8nv versus CD8cm

7807 (8.65)

82,454 (91.35)

CD4cm versus CD4em

378 (11.19)

2999 (88.81)

CD8cm versus CD8em

3053 (18.29)

13,639 (81.71)

TEMRA versus CD8cm

2496 (46.52)

2869 (53.48)

TEMRA versus CD8em

584 (11.89)

4326 (88.11)

  1. *Hypermethylated in Bmem, CD4cm, CD8cm, CD4em, CD8em, CD8cm, CD8em by row
  2. #Hypomethylated in Bmem, CD4cm, CD8cm, CD4em, CD8em, CD8cm, CD8em by row