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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study population (n = 114, mother–newborn pairs), FELICITy study

From: Maternal–fetal stress and DNA methylation signatures in neonatal saliva: an epigenome-wide association study


n = 114

Maternal characteristics—Baseline


Age of mother at study entry, years

34.61 (± 4.52)

Gestational age at screening, weeks

34.07 [33.18, 34.96]

Gestational age at inclusion, weeks

36.71 [35.32, 37.54]

Score PSS

17.00 [9.00, 22.00]

Score PDQ

10.50 [6.25, 16.75]

BMI at study entry, kg/m2

27.61 [25.20, 30.42]

BMI pregestational, kg/m2

21.82 [20.30, 24.96]

Ethnicity, Caucasians/Europeans

106 (92.98)

Married, yes

85 (74.6)

University degree, yes

80 (70.2)

Household income > 5000€/month, Yes

53 (46.5)

Working status at screening, working

4 (3.5)

Multiparity, Yes

85 (74.6)

Planned pregnancy, Yes

92 (81.4)

Cesarean delivery, Yes

28 (24.6)

Smoking, Yes

7 (6.1)


10 (8.8)

Gestational diabetes, Yes

11 (9.6)

Autoimmune disease, Yes

15 (13.2)

Cortisol in maternal hair, pg/mg

97.00 [58.00, 161.00]

Infant characteristics—Perinatal outcome



0.15 [−0.28, 0.60]

Gestational age at birth, weeks

39.71 [38.86, 40.57]

Gender, female

52 (45.6)

Birthweight, grams

3544.96 (± 431.78)

  1. Data are mean (SD) using chi-square test, mean (interquartile) using Wilcox. test or n (%) using Fisher’s test. All the continuous variables are shown as [mean (SD)], [median(range)] and the categorical variables as n (%)
  2. PSS Cohen Perceived Stress Scale, PDQ Prenatal Distress Questionnaire, BMI body mass index; ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IVF in vitro fertilization; FSI Fetal Stress Index