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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Impact of vitamin C supplementation on placental DNA methylation changes related to maternal smoking: association with gene expression and respiratory outcomes

Fig. 2

Selection of candidate CpG sites used for functional enrichment analysis, eQTM analysis, and association with FEF75 and wheeze at 12 months of age. a Venn diagram showing overlap of nominally significant DMCs between groups (n = 9541 CpGs overlapping). b Heatmap showing the magnitude and direction of methylation change (delta beta) between sample groups (P–N: placebo vs never-smoker; V–P: vitamin C vs placebo). Only the CpGs with a reversal in the direction of methylation change with vitamin C supplementation (n = 9059 CpGs “partially restored”) were considered in downstream analyses

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