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Fig. 6 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 6

From: Identification of m7G regulator-mediated RNA methylation modification patterns and related immune microenvironment regulation characteristics in heart failure

Fig. 6

Identification of two distinct m7G modification subtypes across HF samples. A Consensus clustering model with cumulative distribution function (CDF) for k = 2–9. k means cluster count. B Relative change in the area under the CDF curve for k = 2–9. C The consensus cluster of items (in column) at k = 2–9 (in row). D Consensus matrix heatmap defining two subtypes (k = 2) and their correlation area. E Principal component analysis (PCA) showing a remarkable difference in transcriptomes between the two subtypes of HF. F The two m7G subtypes exhibit distinct expression profiles of the 14 m7G RNA methylation regulators

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