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Fig. 1 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 1

From: Differentially hypomethylated cell-free DNA and coronary collateral circulation

Fig. 1

Correlation between DNA methylation and CCC. A PCA was conducted on data from all participants with good (\(n=\) 109) and poor CCC (\(n=\) 34). A Scree plot of the proportion of variance (y-axis) explained using the 30 PCs from a PCA on the AMF data table (black line). To determine effective PC values, the maximum value among the proportions of variance calculated from the random permutation AMF table is indicated using the red line; 15 PCs exist with observed variance higher than expected by the background. B Heatmap of the p values of associations between the 15 significant PCs and clinical variables. All p values were estimated with the Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis. The numbers in each block represent the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. C PCA plots for PC1 and PC3 estimated to correlate with CCC. D PCA plots for PC1 and PC8 estimated to correlate with CCC

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