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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Skeletal muscle methylome and transcriptome integration reveals profound sex differences related to muscle function and substrate metabolism

Fig. 2

Fibre type-related DNA methylation loci across sex-biased DNA methylation loci. a Meta-analysis effect size (x-axis) and meta-analysis significance (y-axis) for the 56,813 tested sex-biased CpGs. Hypomethylated (blue) and hypermethylated (red) point represent differentially methylated positions (DMPs) at false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.005. One hyper- and one hypo-DMPs which showed the largest effect sizes are labelled with the respective CpG, with boxplots of β-values per sex and scatter plots of β-values relative to type I fibre proportion from the Gene SMART (b, c) and FUSION (e, f) cohorts. Females are represented in orange and males in green. d, g Forest plots for the given CpG, showing effect size and confidence intervals for each sex in each study

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