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Fig. 3 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 3

From: DNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in pediatric central nervous system tumors may impact tumor classification and is a positive prognostic marker

Fig. 3

Enrichment of high 5hmC nucleotides in transcriptional regulators. High 5hmC loci are modestly enriched in enhancers, transcription factor binding sites, and 5′ untranslated regions. Conversely, they are depleted in promoters. Here, the top 37,173 CpGs are compared to all the sites included in the EPIC methylation array. Compared to the 850k universe, these sites are significantly depleted in CpG islands and enriched in open sea regions. These CpGs are enriched in super enhancers suggesting a role in determining cellular identity. The x-axis for relation to CpG islands represents the log odds ratio

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