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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of the participant groups

From: Blood and skeletal muscle ageing determined by epigenetic clocks and their associations with physical activity and functioning


Young adults


Older adults


FTC, N = 93

ERMA, N = 47

FTC, N = 46


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Socio-economic and life style factors


Age, year

32.9 (5.3)

51.8 (2.0)

63.7 (4.2)

Age, range




Sex, male/female, n




Education, n (%)+



1 (1.0)

2 (4.3)

9 (20.5)


52 (51.5)

26 (55.3)

26 (59.1)


48 (47.5)

19 (40.4)

9 (20.5)

Smoking, n (%)



43 (46.2)

31 (66.0)

26 (56.5)


27 (29.1)

13 (27.7)

14 (30.4)


23 (24.7)

3 (6.4)

6 (13.0)

Alcohol, drinks per week¤

4.4 (7.4)

4.2 (4.5)

3.1 (5.5)

Body composition#


Body mass index, kg/m2

28.7 (5.8)

26.0 (3.6)

28.9 (5.7)

Fat mass, kg

30.4 (13.7)

26.0 (8.2)

30.9 (9.9)

Lean body mass, kg

51.4 (10.8)

42.6 (4.5)

46.1 (9.1)

Percentage of fat, %

34.9 (10.1)

35.8 (7.0)

38.5 (8.1)

Physical activity


Sport index

2.8 (0.99)


2.1 (1.1)

Leisure index

2.9 (0.60)


2.7 (0.80)

Work index

2.8 (0.82)


3.0 (0.51)

Self-reported physical activity, n (%)




6 (12.8)




13 (27.7)




28 (59.6)


Monitored physical activity


 MVPA, min


56.1 (32.2)


 Step counts per day


9 337 (3 378)


Physical function phenotypes


VO2max, ml/kg/min*

35.2 (8.5)


Maximal workload, W

195.8 (54.7)


Walking test, 6 min distance (m)


670 (65)


Hand grip strength (N)


331 (56)


Knee extension torque (Nm)


486 (95)


Vertical jumping height (m)


0.19 (0.043)

  1. +missing data in education variable N = 10, ¤one drink = 12 g/100% alcohol; #Body composition is estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; *N = 60; MVPA moderate to vigorous physical activity, VO2max maximal oxygen uptake