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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Methylome profiling of young adults with depression supports a link with immune response and psoriasis

Fig. 2

Top-ranking regions are linked to the immune condition psoriasis. a The top gene body regions identified from the differential methylation analysis listed by percentage change in methylation (% change). Absolute levels of methylation in % for cases and controls are also shown. The associated gene names from the array manifest file are listed at left and include three with links to psoriasis (LCE3C, LCE3B, MIR4520A/B). b Promoters with the largest delta beta gain in methylation levels: DEFB104B is also linked to psoriasis c Map of part of the Epidermal Differentiation Complex on chromosome 1 from UCSC (GRCh37/hg19 human assembly) showing some of the LCE gene cluster (RefSeq track at bottom). The track at top shows the locations of probes from the EPIC array in black (EPIC probes). Below, sites showing differential methylation between cases and controls have been mapped: sites gaining are above the line (blue) and losing below the line (red), with size proportional to change. A scale with maximum and minimum change (Δ) is shown at left. Clusters of probes gaining methylation are seen across LCE3A-3C (left) and at LCE1D (right). A scale bar is shown at top; kb, kilobase

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