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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: Alterations in the methylome of the stromal tumour microenvironment signal the presence and severity of prostate cancer

Fig. 2

Consistently differentially methylated regions across patients in CAFs versus NPFs. a Graph showing the number of EPIC CAF-DMRs that are concordantly differentially methylated in the expected direction in each number of patients. b Graph showing the cumulative percentage of EPIC CAF-DMRs that are concordantly differentially methylated in the expected direction in each number of patients. Inset pie charts show the number of concordant EPIC CAF-DMRs in 17/17 patients (22.0% of DMRs) and 10/17 patients (100% of DMRs). c EPIC data for the GATA6 gene for each NPF (blue) and CAF (red). The average difference in DNA methylation in CAFs compared to NPFs is shown in purple. The height of each vertical line represents the percentage of DNA methylation at each CpG site. Purple boxes show the site of two EPIC CAF-DMRs. d Graphs showing DNA methylation levels in each NPF and CAF for representative hypomethylated (AKAP2 and PITX2) and hypermethylated (GATA6) consistent EPIC CAF-DMRs. Lines connect each patient-matched pair of fibroblasts. For each sample, the percentage of DNA methylation is averaged across CpG sites within each DMR. e Plots showing −log10 binomial P values of pathways within the cellular content category that were enriched in GREAT analysis of hypermethylated (green) and hypomethylated (purple) consistent EPIC CAF-DMRs

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