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Table 1 Subject characteristics

From: Newborn and childhood differential DNA methylation and liver fat in school-age children




(n = 785)

(n = 344)

Maternal characteristics


Age, mean (SD), years

32.1 ± 4.0

32.1 ± 4.0

Prepregnancy body mass index, mean (SD), kg/m2

23.2 ± 3.9

23.4 ± 4.0

Parity, n (%), nulliparous

477 (60.8%)

205 (59.6%)

Education, n (%), higher education

535 (68.2%)

232 (67.4%)

Smoking during pregnancy, n (%), continued

94 (12.0%)

43 (12.5%)

Child characteristics


Gestational age at birth, median (95%), weeks

40.4 (37.0–42.3)

40.3 (36.9–42.4)

Age, mean (SD), years


9.8 ± 0.3

Males, n (%)

378 (48.2%)

170 (49.4%)

Birth weight, mean (SD), g

3556 ± 505

3578 ± 515

Body mass index at 10 years, mean (SD), kg/m2

17.0 ± 2.1

17.1 ± 2.0

Children with


 Underweight, n (%)

62 (7.9)

19 (5.5)

 Normal weight, n (%)

637 (81.1)

287 (83.4)

 Overweight, n (%)

79 (10.1)

37 (10.8)

 Obesity, n (%)

7 (0.9)

1 (0.3)

Liver fat fraction, median (95% range), %

2.0 (1.3–4.6)

2.0 (1.3–5.1)

Prevalence non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, n (%)

17 (2.2%)

9 (2.6%)

  1. Values are observed data and represent means ± SD, medians (95% range), or numbers of subjects (valid %)