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Fig. 4 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 4

From: Obesity-induced nucleosome release predicts poor cardio-metabolic health

Fig. 4

Association between circulating nucleosome levels and cardiovascular health (CVH). Circulating nucleosomes are assayed by ELISA in Kardiovize participants (n = 120) and expressed as absorbance. a Comparison of circulating nucleosome levels across CVH categories and its components. The data represent the median and interquartile range and are compared using the Mann-Whitney U test; ***p < 0.001; *p < 0.05. b ROC curve showing the ability of serum circulating nucleosomes to discriminate patients with poor CVH. c Correlation matrix between circulating nucleosome levels and echocardiographic parameters. The data are reported as the Spearman’s correlation coefficient and those with p value < 0.05 are indicated in bold. BP blood pressure, CVH cardiovascular health, IVSd interventricular septum thickness at end-diastole, LVIDd left ventricle end-diastolic diameter, EDV end-diastolic volume, LV left ventricular, IVSs interventricular septum thickness at end-systole, LVIDd left ventricle end-systolic diameter, EF ejection fraction, FS fractional shortening, LVPWd posterior wall thickness at end-diastole, LA left atrial, RVID right ventricle diameter, Aosinus aortic diameter at the sinus of Valsalva, RWT relative wall thickness

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