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Fig. 2. | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2.

From: DNA methyltransferase isoforms expression in the temporal lobe of epilepsy patients with a history of febrile seizures

Fig. 2.

DNMT3a isoforms expression in the TLE hippocampus (a–c) and neocortex (d–f). a, d Representative Western blot showing DNMT3a isoforms (green) in the TLE hippocampus (a) and neocortex (d) compared to control. GAPDH (red) was used as a protein loading control. b, e Graph showing semi-quantification of the Western blots for the hippocampus (b) and neocortex (e). DNMT3a isoforms expression was normalized to GAPDH expression. c, f Real-time PCR validation of Western blots results for hippocampus (c) and neocortex (f). Error bars show SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 for significant difference to CTRL. ††p < 0.01 and †††p < 0.001 for significant difference to HS− group. ¥p < 0.05 and ¥¥p < 0.01 for significant difference to HS+ group. MM = molecular weight marker; CTRL = control; HS− = TLE without HS; HS+ = TLE with HS; HS+FS+ = TLE with HS and FS

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