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Table 5 The median (range) values of methylation of studied CpG sites and chosen gene expression

From: Increased methylation upstream of the MEG3 promotor is observed in acute myeloid leukemia patients with better overall survival


AML patient MNCs

Median (range) [number of patient]

Control MNCs

Median (range) [number of sample]

Methylation (%)


88.28 (5.00–99.53) [44]

60.89 (48.75–70.89) [9]


74.45 (32.65–97.69) [42]

60.21 (24.98–72.70) [9]


91.91 (30.43–99.65) [44]

65.65 (60.11–82.36) [9]


55.34 (7.86–91.73) [42]

46.53 (39.23–60.13) [8]


49.24 (18.96–71.97) [42]

62.91 (46.50–78.97) [8]


70.20 (40.97–99.56) [45]

78.12 (68.64–86.20) [9]


67.18 (15.95–98.10) [42]

67.41 (41.82–79.71) [9]


56.29 (23.08–95.13) [45]

66.74 (57.85–68.91) [9]

Expression (∆Ct)

 DLK1 (× 10−7)

50.98 (0.88–161,542.28) [29]


 MEG3 (× 10− 6)

34.189 (1.36–19,339.85) [29]


 DLK1/MEG3 (× 10− 2)

10.31 (0.20–1121.10) [29]