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Table 4 Modules of correlated transcripts at genes near female puberty-associated DMPs are enriched for immune functions and hormone signaling

From: Global DNA methylation changes spanning puberty are near predicted estrogen-responsive genes and enriched for genes involved in endocrine and immune processes

WGCNA Module

(# of genes)

Pathway enrichment category (Adjusted P value)


1 (198)

T cell receptor signaling (P = 0.0038) and activation (P = 0.0021)

KEGG 2016, BioCarta 2016

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling (P = 0.029)

Panther 2016

2 (86)

Estrogen receptor beta signaling (P = 0.0019)

KEGG 2016

Androgen receptor signaling (P = 0.0067)